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Project | 01

Project | 01 - Listen With Listen.

'You have a task to complete. You find yourself failing to complete it. You take a break. You worry about your time limitations. You continue to attempt the task. You continue to fail to complete it. You continue to take a break. You continue to worry about time. Task. Fail. Break. Worry.'

Listen With Listen plays with the expectations of an audience's reaction. There is an illusion to direct address whilst also subverting a deconstruction of the 1950s radio show Listen with Mother. The mundane life of a segregated wife intertwines with a spiral of stressful and depressive iterations.

Project | 02

Project | 02 Martini's on the Hill.

‘When you watch a film over and over again you start to notice different things. You see the cracks and the fault lines, moments in the background that suggest stories you weren’t expecting, like clues to a very different puzzle…’

Martinis on the Hill, is a highly idiosyncratic response to watching and re-watching classic horror movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. Dealing with ideas of control and the lack of control, with camera angles and obsessive adherence to rules, the performance offers a deconstruction of the film, and of the process of bringing film and live theatre together.

(From Home's official programme)

To discuss possible work, contact Georgia here >>
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