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Artist Statement

Starting from 2013, this young artist found herself fascinated with the underlying influences that contribute towards mental illness. Similarly, Georgia found herself subdued by the social stereotypes and lack of communication around the topic. This inspired her to branch out her own understanding of mental illness, and initiate a conversation about such understandings through contemporary theatre. Since 2015, Georgia has been experimenting and adapting the way in which she presents the issue, allowing a sense of ambiguity into her works and bringing forward the immersive feel of a mental illness.

Georgia is a highly-skilled triple threat actress who is enthusiastic about all aspects of theatre and performance, especially musical theatre. She is able offer 15 years of intense training, education and hands-on experience in theatre arts and singing, along with 6 years of training in dance. She is a multi-talented self-starter and team player who requires little to no supervision and thrives in creative environments.

To learn more about Georgia's training and experience, request her CV >>
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